51 Practical Uses for Coconut Oil.

“Oh darn… Now I have to go to the store after work because I ran out of Neutrogena a couple of days ago and I’m breaking out. Then I have to go pick up shaving cream, butter and decongestant too. Ugh, and the dog was itching a lot yesterday too… God, I hope he doesn’t have fleas. Just what I need. Ouch… what’s that? Ugh no! I have razor burn behind my knee too! Great… Just great. Why does life have to be so complicated?”

And it truly is. I can’t count how many times I used to sigh to myself because I had to go out and buy what seemed like tons of products just to maintain simple daily life. But there are ways you can simplify your life. What’s the solution? Coconut oil.

Yes, coconut oil. It solves all of the above problems, plus more. The benefits extend far beyond its superior nutritional content, which is pretty darn impressive. To put in plain English, not all fats are created equal, and THIS fat is beneficial for our immune system, brain connections, skin and heart. And get this… this FAT helps with weight loss, diabetes, cuts/scrapes, burns… the list really does go on.

So what kind of Coconut oil do you buy? BUY EXTRA VIRGIN. Virgin Coconut Oil is good too. Do not buy RBD, which stands for “Refined, Bleached, Deodorized” …yuck. Anything that’s not Virgin or Extra Virgin is likely RBD. The term “Virgin” means that the oil is made from fresh, young coconut that is subjected to less intense refining without the chemicals, like boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, mechanical press or refuge. Trust me, Virgin Coconut oil is where you get benefits, and Extra-Virgin coconut oil is where you get to reap all the benefits.

Its a pretty easy argument. Coconut oil is nothing to sneeze about. Oh and a bonus? You don’t have to bother weeding through products to find the ones that say “Not Tested on Animals.” Because, duh, it’s just oil! And with all the different ways you can utilize coconut oil in your life in order to live more simply… how could you go wrong! This list may change your life.



1. Toast – If you like to spread butter on your toast, try replacing it with coconut oil for a change in flavor. It makes the best cinnamon raisin toast!
2. Frying– it has a higher smoke point than olive oil and won’t burn very easily. No trans fats and oxidizes less quickly while adding a distinct flavor to foods.
3. Soup – Replace canola oil or olive oil in recipes for the extra nutrition
4. Baked Goods – replace vegetable oils in baked goods (like brownies, cupcakes, muffins, cake, cookies, and bread) with coconut oil to make it healthier
5. Homemade Peanut Butter – Make your own peanut butter at home with peanuts, coconut oil and salt.


6. Moisturizer – one of the most superior moisturizers. it’s undersized molecular structure allows it to be absorbed easily through skin pores and follicles. it rapidly hydrates, conditions and shields the skin from moisture loss. way better than those other leading skin care products. Best absorbed after bathing, when the body is still wet. Everything that you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body, so why put something on your body that you wouldn’t put in your mouth? ;)
7. Acne/Pimples – ensures proper functioning of sebum glands and clears blockage, treating the very root cause of acne. It is a rich source of Vitamin-E, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, soothing on skin, and highly penetrating, so when applied to your face it’s absorbed readily and cuts down on the breakouts.
8. Bug Bites – anti-inflammatory properties bring relief from mosquito bites and other bug bites, while promoting healing and killing bacteria.
9. Cuts/Scrapes– works faster than Neosporin! if you have a scrape or cut, your body’s going to need the healthy cholesterol in coconut oil so it wont have to work as hard to make its own. This cholesterol helps the body to fight off infections that could enter your open wound.
10. Shaving Cream– Preps skin for pending damage caused by shaving while lubricating your skin so your razor will easily slide over. For those of you with sensitive skin or who are shaving sensitive areas such as underarms or bikini area, coconut oil protects your skin from the razor and heals tiny scrapes or cuts simultaneously. It moisturizes, helps you avoid nicks and cuts, and pretty much gives you the closest shave ever!
11. After-Shave – heals minor cuts and scrapes after shaving without clogging pores. Moisturizes. Great for razor burn!
12. Nail Health – Massage into fingertips to soothe hangnails and prevent ingrown toenails
13. Tattoo Care – use on new tattoos to help with healing
14. Facial Scrub – mix with baking soda for a facial scrub
15. Burns – Use to soothe burns, but apply after the initial heat from the burn is gone. Do not apply to burns that have not “cooled” or else it will trap the heat in the skin.
16. Eczema – controls and reduces inflammation and itching
17. Wrinkle Care – Nourishes your skin with Vitamins A, B, C, and E. natural anti-oxidant that helps the skin repair itself. antioxidant qualities protect the skin from free-radicals and other environmental aging factors.
18. Makeup Remover – You’ll be surprised how well this works! Put on a cotton ball and don’t be afraid to rub it right into your eyes if you need to. It removes makeup quickly and easily while moisturizing.
19. Insect Repellant – mix with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with DEET! Tons safer too.
20. Foot Care – Rub coconut oil on your feet after taking a bath or before going to sleep to cure cracked heels and soften your feet. It also heals corns and calluses, and has antifungal properties so it may help with athletes foot as well.

Hair Care

21. Deep Conditioner – For a deep treatment, rub in a tablespoon (or more, depending on how much hair you have) of coconut oil into your hair before bed. If you have a dry scalp, you can gently work it into the roots of your hair and gradually move down to the ends. I have an oily scalp so I only work on my mid-to-end area. I do this every night and get compliments on how healthy my hair looks even though it’s down to my waist!
22. Split End Treatment – use as a leave-in hair conditioner by applying 1/2 of a tsp of coconut oil (or less) to your ends after you’ve dried your hair, then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! This can help decelerate split ends and prevent them while leaving your hair looking healthy and smooth. Extra Virgin coconut oil is fine enough to penetrate the hair shaft and does a better job of sealing frizziness with less.
23. Lice Treatment – Coconut oil is deadly to lice. If you have a severe outbreak, try warming up the oil and doing a hot oil treatment on your hair. Coat the entire head of affected hair and cover this with a shower cap and a towel.  Let this sit for as long as possible, preferably overnight.  In the morning, use a lice comb to go through each section of hair being careful to remove the nits.  Wash with regular shampoo and rinse with vinegar to help remove the oil.  You may have to wash and rinse again to completely remove the coconut oil.  Repeat every 3-4 days for 2 weeks to kill any lice that may have hatched.


24. Udder Balmif you own dairy cows, this can be very helpful as it helps with drying and chapping. Clean the udder well, apply coconut oil, milk, and then reapply. When the calf nurses afterwards, she is not getting any poisons from traditional udder balms.
25. Doggie Dandruff– massage into your dog’s skin to help with dandruff
26. Older Canine Health – add a spoonful to your dog’s food to help with arthritis, joint/ligament problems, digestion issues, and weight control… great for little old doggies!
27. Fleas – use as a non-toxic flea treatment
28. Ear Cleaning – use to clean the inside of your dogs ears
29. Dog Breath – feed to your dog to help improve doggie breath

Pregnancy & Babies

30. Strengthen Breastmilk –  for breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich the milk supply.
31. Stretch Marks during Pregnancy – Coconut oil is best absorbed after taking a bath when the body is still wet. The appearance of the stretch marks is lessened as the coconut oil provides the necessary moisture to the skin that is more prone to having stretch marks. Many creams and lotions that are available in the market claiming the complete elimination of stretch marks use coconut oil as the base and have additional ingredients that help in fading the existing stretch marks.
32. Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.
33. Diaper Rash – use on a baby’s bottom to prevent sticking, fight bacteria, reduce inflammation, and make it more comfortable for baby!
34. Cradle Cap – Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.

Feminine Hygiene

35. Yeast Infections – helps heal both external and internal because it helps fight bad bacteria
36. Menopause Dryness – Dr. Oz recommends it!

Oral Hygiene

37. Mouthguard Cleaner – just wipe some on your mouthguard and let it sit during the day. Rinse well before using. Use a thin layer on the guard each morning to help keep it clean.
38. Toothpaste – make your own toothpaste by mixing equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda. Add a bit of water until you reach a proper consistency. Store your natural and great-tasting toothpaste in the refrigerator.


39. Runny Nose – rub the inside of your nose with coconut oil to help with runny noses, allergies, sore nostrils, etc.
40. Sore Throat – use coconut oil instead of honey to soothe sore throats (let a little dissolve in your mouth and slowly run down your throat)
41. Gastritis/Indigestion – saturated fats in coconut oil help control parasites and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.
42. Constipation – eases constipation is because it is fibrous and it cleanses the colon very effectively. Increases your metabolism rate, which lets your system break down food faster and effectively which can lead to increased bowel movement and weight reduction.
43. Colds/Viruses -clear sinus passages by rubbing 2 drops of peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil on your chest. Should be massaged into the upper back and head as well. To soothe a cough and sore throat, add to tea or broth. It boosts immunity and helps fight the virus directly.
44. Weight-loss– slow down the rate your body stores fat by replacing your other fats with coconut oil. Coconut oil is easily metabolized for energy because MCFAs are converted to energy packets in the liver and burned for fuel… not the fat that sits on your hips. Increases the rate at which you burn stored fat, even beyond the extra fat you burn simply because you exercise more and work harder. As you grow accustomed to your new energy levels, you’ll tend to eat less sugary and starchy foods, because you don’t have as much need for them. It’s not something you’ll have to try to do, either. Your body will make the adaptation naturally.


45. Shower Cleaner – use a little bit on a damp cloth to clean a scummy shower. Wipe with coconut oil, then spray with white vinegar and wipe dry.
46. Furniture Polish – Mix it with a little lemon juice and use it on wood furniture
47. Rust Remover – Before you toss out rusty chains, knives or scissors, try slicking coconut oil on it and let it sit for an hour, then rinse with warm water.
48. Bronze Polish -rub a little into bronze items to clean and deepen the color
49. Stain Remover – Click HERE for details of how to remove clothing stains.

Other Uses

50. Remove Gum from Hair – Coconut oil’s a lot more pleasant to work with than peanut butter. Apply the oil directly to the gum, let it sit for a moment before slowly sliding the gum out.
51. Remove Label Residue – Cover the label with a film of coconut oil and let it soak in for a moment. The label should wipe off. Use a bit of oil on a towel to remove whatever’s left

And there you have it! As I’m sure you can see, Coconut oil has completely simplified my life. I always have four containers of Coconut Oil: (1) in the kitchen: for cooking, (2) in the shower: for shaving, moisturizing, (3) in the bathroom cabinet: for makeup removal, boo-boos, nightly hair treatment, nail care, medicinal, (4) on my nightstand: for foot moisturizer, so I can put it on while I sit in bed and I wont track oil on the floor walking back from the bathroom! Since I’ve been using coconut oil in multiple ways, my skin’s healthier, my hair’s healthier, I have more energy, and best of all… life is easier!

ask Nike and Adidas to stop using hazardous chemicals

Greenpeace has started an effort to launch a campaign to ask Nike and Adidas to stop using hazardous chemicals in their products. It has been identified that these companies have been linked to factories in China that release toxic chemicals into the Yangtze and Pearl River deltas, which seep into our oceans, atmosphere and food chain.

Wastewater samples from the factories were analyzed and alkylphenols and PFCs were found. These chemicals are well-known hormone disruptors and are hazardous even at low levels.

These toxic chemicals accumulate in places far from the original source and have been found in the bodies of animals including birds, fish, whales, polar bears and even human breast milk… therefore this is a GLOBAL ISSUE.

Unlike smaller companies that may be more financially cornered, Adidas and Nike don’t have to do this. Other shoe brands aren’t contributing to this waste like: Cristiano, David, Zoe, Tommy, Kumi, etc…

Sign the Greenpeace petition to ask Nike and Adidas to stop using hazardous chemicals HERE.


My Vegan Bug Spray… Buzz Away Extreme!

Everyone pounds on bug spray whenever we go outside with the kids at work. All the kids stand in a line with their arms and legs outstretched to get sprayed with this magical spray that will keep them safe from the irritating mosquito.

But mosquitoes aren’t just irritating. They unintentionally and indirectly kill 240 million people a year through disease transmission. A mosquito can draw blood from 4 to 5 people in a single feeding. If a mosquito has bitten an infected host, it can transmit that disease to others. The most common diseases that mosquitoes spread are Encephalitis, West Nile Fever, Dengue Fever, Malaria, and Yellow Fever.

Okay, so the chances of you being killed by a mosquito aren’t exactly high considering that the world population (as of 2011) is 6,926,061,446… and 240 million is less than 3% of the people in the entire world. But you can never be too careful! It’s not like we haven’t heard of people dying in our local areas from mosquitoes on the news!

I say bug spray is a good thing. However, Deet is NOT.

products containing DEET

It says so right on the bottle, haven’t you read it?

According to the EPA, if you use these sprays as directed they are not harmful to us. But long-term exposure is. Sprays containing DEET get absorbed into your bloodstream when sprayed on the skin. DEET is a poison used to ward off bugs and your heart is constantly working to pump your bloodstream (and everything inside of it) to all parts of your body, and studies highly suggest that DEET causes neurological damage. Long-term or heavy exposure to DEET causes memory loss, fatigue, muscle and joint pain and shortness of breath.

If you are using these products, PLEASE use as directed and don’t over-apply thinking that the more you pound on the less mosquitoes will bite you. Also, as soon as you go inside, wash your skin off with soap and water to stop absorbtion.

Another thing to keep in mind is that bug sprays have different amounts of DEET. OFF! Deep Woods contains 25% DEET while OFF! Family Care contains 7%. So I would recommend choosing a bug spray with a smaller amount of DEET or…. choosing a cruelty-free vegan and DEET-free bug spray!

The spray that I use is called Buzz Away Extreme and it is made by Quantum Health. It is sweat proof, waterproof, and smells pretty decent for a bug spray! The bottle also claims that it gives you up to 4 hour protection. The best thing about it is that you can put on as much as you want without worrying about literally putting poison on your skin. The ingredients are: Castor oil, geranium oil, soybean oil, cedarwood oil, citronella oil, peppermint oil, lemongrass oil, purified water, palm oil, glycerin, lecithin, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, benzoic acid, and wintergreen oil.

There are of course many other vegan and DEET-free bug sprays on the market… but I can only speak for what I’ve tried. When I went to my local health food store I asked the woman who worked there what she thought was the most powerful vegan bug spray that they sold and she handed me this one. It didn’t dissapoint me! I haven’t gotten bitten yet!

Watch me get like 10 mosquito bites next time I walk outside just because I said that now…

Apparently Buzz Away sells other stuff too. It’s worth checking out since I can say the spray works!